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Arthur L. Johnson High School student Tylor Collins inspired everyone around him during a long and difficult battle with cancer.  He never let his struggle bring him down. Unfortunately, his bravery and courage were cut short when he passed away the day before his 17th birthday on April 25, 2015.  Collins suffered from Ewing Sarcoma, a type of bone cancer.

ALJ and the Clark community were saddened by his loss and vowed to keep the memory of Collins living for years to come. The community is keeping his legacy alive by creating the Tylor Collins Scholarship Fund. Last year this fund gave out $20,000 in scholarships. This year we hope to do the same with your help.

The Tylor Collins Scholarship Fund will hold its 3rd Annual Tricky Tray Fundraiser on Saturday, April 21st, 2018. All the proceeds of this event will go towards the scholarship. The event will be held at Arthur L. Johnson High School in Clark. 

We ask that you kindly consider making a contribution to our fundraiser.  Your donation of merchandise, a gift certificate/voucher/gift card, a service or monetary donation (Check payable to Tylor Collins Scholarship Fund) will be greatly appreciated. For any merchandise or service donation, we ask that a letter of value accompany same.  In exchange for your generosity, we will graciously acknowledge your business in our Tricky Tray Program.  Sponsorships and advertising opportunities are also available (see attached letter for more details). Please note:  donations are needed by 4/01/2018. If a donation will include an expiration date, please take special note of the timing of our event date, 4/21/2018.

We never will forget Tylor and how much he touched the community. This event will also help spread the word about Ewing Sarcoma.


In addition, your contribution is tax deductible and a tax receipt will be provided for this purpose. 

Please send donations and/or inquiries to:

Kathie Simas, Secretary - Tylor Collins Scholarship Fund

947 Raritan Rd,  Clark, NJ  07066

Telephone: 732-499-8246 / Email:


Thanking you in advance for your consideration and contribution.

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