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Each year, about 225 children and teenagers in the United States are diagnosed with a Ewing tumor, most of which will be Ewing sarcoma.


Ewing tumors make up about 1% of all childhood cancers. Most Ewing tumors are diagnosed in teenagers, but they can also affect children and young adults in their 20s and 30s.

The 5-year survival rate tells you what percent of children and teens live at least 5 years after the cancer is found. Percent means how many out of 100. The 5-year survival rate for children and teens with a Ewing tumor that has not spread is about 70%.

If the tumor has metastasized, or spread, at the time of diagnosis, the 5-year survival rate is about 15% to 30%. The survival rate is slightly higher for children and teens with a tumor that has only spread to the lungs compared with a tumor that has spread to other organs.

It is important to remember that statistics on how many children and teens survive this type of cancer are an estimate. The estimate comes from data based children and teens with this cancer in the United States each year. So, your own child’s risk may be different. Doctors cannot say for sure how long any person will live with a Ewing tumor. Also, experts measure the survival statistics every 5 years. This means that the estimate may not show the results of better diagnosis or treatment available for less than 5 years. Learn more about understanding statistics.

Statistics adapted from the American Cancer Society.

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